Clothes Creation Steps

  1. copy previous creation folder
  2. Open previous marvelous designer scene delete fabric and make sure particle distance is set at 10.0
  3. Create fabric half shape and unfold
  4. Make symmetrical pattern move to the right on 2d flip horizontally and on 3d and move behind
  5. Create sewing and simulate
  6. Even Bette by adjusting points
  7. Stretch fabric in simulation making sure there are no folds
  8. Save in marvelous designer folder in fabric category. Save in 3ds max current fabric creation folder
  9. Export as obj. Export obj at 0.2 percent
  10. Make additional shape variation
  11. Save in marvelous designer folder in fabric category. Save in 3ds max current fabric creation folder
  12. Export as obj. Export obj at 0.2 percent
  13. Goz from zbrush to 3ds max unwrap uvw and make sure perfect squares for both variations
  14. 1. Following import of fabric affect pivot only center 2. Move up or down to where model is at and if imported at close in enough scale manually.
  15. Duplicate model and dress. Each time keep the top texture on the left and apply the new attempt on the right and render broth to easily see which is better.
  16. Apply texture slide random starting tiling and scroll though making several keys of textures I like.
  17. Open texture in Photoshop and duplicate to folder fabric texture Photoshop document and apply Photoshop document to fabric
  18. Several tiling keys at about 50 frames intervals
  19. 1.Fabric attempt even better by hue saturation. r 2. Hue saturation and color balance are in the same step. r 3. First hue then color then hue again then color again till stagnating. r 4. With every improving motion make a new iris and then compare at the end which is best. r 5. Fabric goes through two tests up close and afar. This is done by duplicating model with texture applied to both each time. r 6. Before hue saturation color balance even better export render of just the fabric to after effects and apply effects on it within adjustment layer till stagnation. Export the texture with said effects to Photoshop for the same result
  20. Fabric attempt even better by curves
  21. Fabric attempt even better by levels
  22. Fabric attempt even better by duplicate scale blending modes
  23. Fabric attempt even better by blending modes over previous fabric already in document
  24. 1. Fabric attempt even better by duplicate merge all make black and white. 2. Contrast to max 3. color dodge or another blending mode 4. Play with opacity
  25. Vector blur attempt step
  26. Fabric attempt even better by improvised adjustment till even better stagnation. Save as fabric texture png and apply in 3ds max
  27. Top fabric is not compared by comparison to image previous rendered but simply by showing top texture layer at top of document and comparison to the current. If top is way better there is not necessarily a need to make a variation of it. Previous creation should have left such already in the Photoshop document
  28. Step save texture png apply chosen final texture
  29. Save and import to top list
  30. Attempt tiling even better with applied final texture
  31. Go back to zbrush and try improving shape
  32. Take 5 pngs one with wire. Notice not to choose angles where baric is too thin. Default is front back wire each. If no lighting on the back rotate 180 first
  33. 1. Attempt main thumbnail background even better by button random layers order random opacity making collage. 2. If succeeding save collage. 3. After keylight precompose woman to have precomp in project to take it out on random opacity making collage and bringing it back in on top each time to test
  34. Background attempt even better hue saturation
  35. Comparison of background itself to top list background